.Articles   Let the Earth live       Живи, Земля!

Globalization for the people’s weal


In the report the author analyzes the relationship of the three waves of globalization with political theories, in which context the current world financial crisis is testimony to the collapse of the liberal theory. Also demonstrated connection between the archetypes of the collective unconscious with the economic models that forms policy and international relations, including those directly related with conflicts and warfares (domination of the patriarchal system and the inadequate remove of the energy). The author notes the current situation as a time of transition, when the need to develop new thinking for creating a society of sustainable abundance. Otherwise, there is a risk of influence of actors of the net centric warfare (where cognitive sphere is the object of effect-based operations), which use different methods of manipulation to achieve world domination.


Leonid Savin – head of administration of the International “Eurasian Movement”; Senior expert of the Centre of geopolitical research; editor of www.geopolitica.ru, fellow of the Centre of conservative research (faculty of sociology of the Moscow State University



